James has over 20 years senior management experience in sustainable banking and investment. He advised on share offers and bond issues for leading charities and businesses, managed equity investments, and has been a non-executive director for a broad range of environmental and social businesses. James led many new initiatives and business ventures including setting up Triodos Bank's UK investment business comprising corporate finance and crowdfunding services, venture capital fund management and fund distribution.
James has served as a member of several advisory groups on sustainable finance at UK, European and international level and is author of several reports and papers on sustainable finance and impact investing. He is a regular speaker at events and conferences on sustainable business and positive impact finance. James served on the Global Steering Committee for the UNEP Finance Initiative and was one of the founding developers of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking launched in 2019. James is a tutor with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership for their Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business. He is a senior fellow of the Finance Innovation Lab having previously served as the Chair of the board of trustees. James is a director of Regen and an advisor for a small number of NGOs in Europe including the Club of Rome.